04/02/202525/02/2025 09:00 AMSupply of Labor, Materials and Equipment Rentals for the Construction of Rainshelters in Benguet in support to HVCDP (2nd Posting)6,000,000.00
04/02/202525/02/2025 09:00 AMSupply of Labor, Materials and Equipment Rentals for the Construction Tangadon Irrigation Canal in Tulludan, Tinoc, Ifugao in support to Rice Program (2nd Posting)3,267,000.00
04/02/202525/02/2025 09:00 AMSupply and Delivery of Various Fertilizers in Support to FPL Project of SAAD Program Phase II (2nd Posting)3,299,950.00
04/02/202525/02/2025 09:00 AMSupply, Delivery and Testing of 5 units Recirculating Dryers in Support to Corn Program (2nd Posting)15,000,000.00
04/02/202525/02/2025 09:00 AMSupply of Labor, Materials, and Equipment Rentals for the Repair/Improvement of ROS Kalinga Warehouse 1 and Warehouse 2 Ceiling and Air-Conditioning System in Liwan West, Rizal, Kalinga in support to1,500,000.00
04/02/202525/02/2025 09:00 AMSupply and Delivery of Various Live Animals in Support to SAAD Program Phase II FPLP4,329,000.00
04/02/202525/02/2025 09:00 AMSupply of Labor, Materials and Equipment Rentals for the Construction Binablayan-Palatang Irrigation Canal in Binablayan, Tinoc, Ifugao in support to Rice Program (2nd Posting)3,442,467.62
13/02/202504/03/2025 09:00 AMSupply and Delivery of Veterinary Drugs and Biologics in Support to Livestock Program1,020,750.00
13/02/202504/03/2025 09:00 AMSupply and Delivery of Various Fertilizers in Support to HVCDP and NUPAP4,772,000.00
13/02/202504/03/2025 09:00 AMSupply, Delivery and Testing of Processing Machinery in Support to HVCDP5,400,000.00
13/02/202504/03/2025 09:00 AMSupply and Delivery of Vacuum Sealer in Support to HVCDP1,000,000.00
13/02/202504/03/2025 09:00 AMSupply, Delivery and Testing of Various Production Machinery in Support to SAAD2,681,500.00
13/02/202504/03/2025 09:00 AMSupply of Labor, Materials and Equipment Rentals for the Construction of Lanas Solar Powered Irrigation System (SPIS) in Mayag, Bauko, Mt. Province in Support to HVCDP990,000.00
13/02/202504/03/2025 09:00 AMSupply, Delivery and Testing of 67 units Pump and Engine Sets in Support to HVCDP (2nd Posting)5,695,000.00
13/02/202504/03/2025 09:00 AMSupply, Delivery and Testing of 32 units Pump and Engine Sets in Support to Corn Program3,200,000.00
18/02/202525/02/2025 09:00 AMSemi-Expendable Office Equipment (Mosquito Killer, Water Pump, etc54,000.00
18/02/202525/02/2025 09:00 AMCustomized Office Table (Fabrication and Delivery)180,000.00
18/02/202524/02/2025 09:00 AMProcurement of Meals, Snacks and Lodging for the Conduct of the SAAD CAR Phase 2 FY 2025 Regional Year End Assessment350,000.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 09:00 AMSupplies and Materials in Support Phase II Food Production and Livelihood Projects for FY 2025118,000.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00115 / Procurement of supplies and materials for the supply of Solar Panel Pole and Pedestal materials.147,260.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00118 / Provision of meals and snacks for the conduct of Entrepreneurial Skills Development-Basic Business Recording and Understanding Financial Statements. Seminar/Training. BAGUIO CITY. JUNE 284,900.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00121 / Provision of meals, snacks and lodging for the orientation/seminar on Related Integrated Licensing, Registration and Regulatory Requirements of Agri-Enterprise.125,000.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00119 / Provision of meals, snacks and lodging for the forum on Agribusiness Opportunities along Cacao and Coffee Value Chain. BAGUIO CITY. SEPTEMBER 2025150,000.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00077 / Provision of meals, snacks and lodginf for the conduct of Refresher Training Course on Participatory Guarantee System for Luna PGS on the 1st Quarter of FY 2025 at Luna Apayao. 1ST QUART66,000.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00116 / Procurement of regular supplies for regulatory division582,819.77
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00116a / Procurement of regular supplies for Regulatory Division164,000.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00137/ Provision of meals and snacks for use in the conduct of CY 2025 Rice Program Coordinating Unit (RCU) Implementation Meetings. DA-RFO-CAR CONFERENCE HALL . JAN-DEC. 2025 ( AS NEEDED)351,000.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00141 / Procurement of supplies and equipment for Rice Office use, FY 2025.589,989.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00038 / Provision of meals, snacks and lodging to be used for the conduct of KADIWA in support to the Organic Agriculture Month (LUNA, APAYAO )MARCH 2025.172,500.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00038a / Provision of meals, snacks and lodging to be use for the conduct of KADIWA in support to the Organic Agriculture Month (Baguio City)-APRIL172,500.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00038b / Provision of meals, snacks and lodging to be use for the conduct of KADIWA in support to the Organic Agriculture Month (BONTOC, MT. PROV.) APRIL 2025172,500.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00038c / Provision of meals,s nacks and lodging to be use for the conduct of KADIWA in support to the Organic Agriculture Month (LAGAWE IFUGAO ) - MAY 2025172,500.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00038d / Provision of meals, snacks and lodging to be use for the conduct of KADIWA in support to the Organic Agriculture Month (LA TRINIDAD, BENGUET) - JUNE 2025172,500.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00038e / Provision of meals, snacks and lodging to be use for the conduct of KADIWA in support to the Organic Agriculture Month (TABUK CITY, KALINGA-JULY)172,500.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00038f / Provision of meals, snacks and lodging to be use for the conduct of KADIWA in support to the Organic Agriculture Month (BANGUED ABRA - AUGUST, 2025)172,500.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00038g / Provision of meals, snacks, lodging to be use for the conduct of KADIWA in support to the Organic Agriculture Month (BAGUIO CITY-NOVEMBER 2025)172,500.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00038h / Provision of meals, snacks, lodging to be use for the conduct of KADIWA in support to the Organic Agriculture Month ( LA TRINIDAD, BENGUET - DECEMBER 2025)172,500.00
19/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AMProcurement of supplies and materials for use at the Dairy Farm in BABRC.171,500.00
19/02/202524/02/2025 09:00 AMProcurement of Various Supples and Materials in Support to SAAD Phase II HVC and Poultry Related Projects under the FPL Component for FY 2024390,000.00
19/02/202524/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-0147 / Provision of meals, snacks and lodging for use during the RAFC MULTI-SECTIONAL MEETING on February 27, 2025 in Baguio City.150,000.00
20/02/202527/02/2025 09:00 AMConduct of Training of Trainors on Bookkeeping and Accounting for Non-Accountatnt, Fundamentals of Marketing, Market Chain Assesment, And Value Chain Development.265,000.00
21/02/202527/02/2025 09:00 AMProcurement of Poultry Stocks in Support to SAAD Phase II Poultry Related Projects under the FPL Component for FY 2024120,000.00
21/02/202526/02/2025 01:00 PM"Procurement of training supplies and materials for the conduct of Training on Organic Agriculture in support to OALP for Benguet & Ifugao, conduct of Capacity Enhancement Training for PGS Accredited 110,000.00
21/02/202526/02/2025 01:00 PM"Procurement of ICT Equipments for the conduct of Training on Organic Agriculture in support to OALP for Benguet & Ifugao, conduct of Capacity Enhancement Training for PGS Accredited Organic Certifyin66,500.00
21/02/202526/02/2025 01:00 PMProcurement of various equipment, supplies and materials for KADIWA Strengthening.180,732.00
21/02/202526/02/2025 01:00 PMProcurement of meals, snacks, lodging to be used for the conduct of KADIWA in support to the Organic Agriculture Month(DA CAR -JUNE)500,000.00
21/02/202526/02/2025 01:00 PMProcurement of various supplies for the conduct of Market-Related Research under Corn R & D of the Research Division69,999.00
21/02/202526/02/2025 01:00 PM2025-00154 / Provision of meals, snacks and lodging for Assessment and Operations Planning workshop for operators of Food Terminal and Organic Trading Post in Benguet on May 2025.59,220.00
21/02/202526/02/2025 01:00 PM2025-00155 / Provision of meals, snacks and lodging to be use for the conduct of KADIWA in support to the Filipino Food Month: BAGUIO CITY, APRIL 2025.499,500.00
21/02/202526/02/2025 01:00 PM2025-00154a / Provision of meals, snacks and lodging for Assessment of Operations Planning workshop for operators of Food Terminal and Organic Trading Post in Mt. Province on May 2025.70,700.00
21/02/202526/02/2025 01:00 PM2025-00154b / Provision of meals, snacks and lodging for Assessment and Operations Planning workshop for operators of Food Terminal and Organic Trading Post in Tabuk City Kalinga on July 2025.88,860.00
20/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 PMProcurement of various supplies/materials in support to Gulayan sa Paaralan552,000.00
20/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 PMProcurement of various supplies/materials in support to Gulayan sa Paaralan367,500.00
20/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 PMProcurement of various supplies/materials in support to Gulayan sa Paaralan552,000.00
20/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 PMProcurement of various supplies/materials in support to Gulayan sa Paaralan187,500.00
20/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 PMProcurement of spplies and materials in support to repair of ROS Apayao Warehouse.417,178.88
20/02/202525/02/2025 09:00 AMVarious Soil Ammendments in Support to SAAD Phase II Food Production and Livelihood Projects for FY 202558,650.00
20/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AMProcurement of Poultry Feeds in Support to SAAD Phase II Poultry Related Projects under the FPL Component for FY 202455,000.00
20/02/202525/02/2025 01:00 AMProcurement of Poultry Feeds in Support to SAAD Phase II Poultry Related Projects under the FPL Component for FY 202455,000.00
20/02/202524/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00038o / Provision of meals, snacks and lodging to be use for the conduct of KADIWA in support to the Organic Agriculture Month (BAGUIO CITY / BENGUET) NOVEMBER 2025350,000.00
20/02/202524/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00078d / Procurement of promotional items for the Capability Building: Basic Records Management Advance Communication & Techn ical Writing and Orientation on Office Policies and Processes.229,193.25
20/02/202524/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00038i / Provision of meals, snacks and lodging to be use for the conduct of KADIWA in support to the Organic Agriculture Month. MARCH - BAGUIO CITY400,000.00
20/02/202524/02/2025 01:00 AM2025-00038k / Provision of meals, snacks and lodging to be use for the conduct of KADIWA in support to the Organic Agriculture Month (Farmers and Fisherfolk month - MAY; BAGUIO CITY / BENGUET)500,000.00